Week 4: Elephants and a Weekend in (almost) Myanmar

Hey again! As for exciting things that have taken place within the past week or so, last weekend we got to to a Young Single Adult conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Now you may be thinking that that doesn’t sound like anything too exciting, but what was different about this…

Week 3: Sukhothai

If you haven’t already noticed a theme in my blog posts,  I am very intrigued by the contrast between the old and the new of Thailand, especially made evident when looking at the temples around here. We took a weekend excursion to Sukhotai which is located a few hours south of Chiangmai (I can only…

Week 2: When You Feel So Tired But You Can’t Sleep…

This has apparently been one of the hottest years that they’ve had in Thailand for over 40 years. We’ve all been wondering when the hot season is going to give way to the rainy season but as of a couple of days ago it seems that the weather is finally starting to transition. This was…

Week 1: I’m in Thailand?!?!

I’m already coming up on almost two weeks in Thailand and it has already been full of many different experiences and adventures. In case you are unaware of what exactly I’m doing in Thailand,  I will be here for the next two and a half months as I participate in a BYU study abroad where…