Go Climb Some Mountains!

Whoah, this week was really busy but also kind of slow. For P-day we went to an island in my area, Cheung Chau, and it was so so beautiful! We rented bikes and just rode around the island and it was too unreal for it to be real life. I really am in the prettiest…

Back to Campus!

This past week I went back to school and it was so weird to be on campus! Everyone was running around trying to get to their next class and scattered across the campus grounds, vigorously working on last-minute assignments I’m sure. I felt kind of stressed just being there! Luckily though, I was just there…

Am I in Mexico?

Oh man, I feel like there have been so many changes. Okay, okay, it’s really only been like one–but it feels like everything is different! This past week Sister Curtis officially left to go up to the New Territories with a new companion and Sister Martin and I of course stayed in West Point. It…

The Tripanionship!

So, there were actually some big changes this week… I am now in a trio! Well, at least for the next couple of days until my companion, Sister Curtis, leaves. There are some visa waiters in Hong Kong starting their missions so there were some emergency transfers and calls in the past couple of days…

Buddhist Nunnery!

So for this past P-day, we went to a Buddhist Nunnery and it was the coolest thing ever! We walked through a traditional Chinese garden before we ended up in the Nunnery, and I felt like I was living in China back a few hundred years ago, it really just felt like a whole new…