Sister Frost Forest

Hello Everyone! I have now been in Hong Kong for a month which is so crazy to me! Partially because it feels like I’ve been here forever and yet barely any time at all at the same time! This week we had our first zone conference which was really good! The overarching theme was The…

Free Stuff in the Park!

Hello everyone!! First off, I would like to announce that MY BROTHER EMERSON GOT HIS MISSION CALL!!!! He is called to the Arizona Mesa mission and will leave on June 29th, so soon!! I am so excited for him and know that he will be an amazing missionary!!! Admittedly, this week hasn’t been that exciting….

Hospitals in Hong Kong!

This week was one of the craziest weeks of my life thus far! On Wednesday we went to Pehng Chau which is a little tiny area in our mission with a less-active member on it that we will visit every now and then. It’s really inconvenient to get there (it is an island after all)…

Another Week, Another Adventure!

I made it through my first full week in Hong Kong!  And I’m still alive! Happy Mothers Day, everyone (it was technically yesterday for us, but I’m still counting it)! Yesterday in church I definitely got loaded up with all kinds of sweets and then spent the rest of the day regretting my decisions. But…


Well, I am currently writing this e-mail from a cyber cafe in HONG KONG, CHINA!!! No big deal. I still can’t believe that the day has come and I am finally here! After 2 months in the MTC and 20 hours of flying and some actually pretty decent airplane food I can say that I…