A Girl Named Faith

Hey there, friends! We just got move calls last night and I will be staying in Hung Shui Kiu with Sister Branch–super excited for this next transfer and we are ready to buckle down and keep working hard!! Also I hope that I never leave this area because I love these people so much! We…

When it Rains!

JOUUUSAAAHN!! So for the past couple of months we missionaries in Hung Shui Kiu have been planning a big activity mainly for parents and kids as a way to find new investigators. Pretty much every spare moment has been spent thinking about this activity and it actually got turned into a stake activity which stressed…

Jesus Got Better!

Happy Easter!! This week was super good! People don’t really celebrate Easter here, but they get about 2 weeks off of school and a few days off of work which is pretty nice. But the Mainland Monster is back for vengeance now that it’s spring break and everyone has gone to China and we have…

Don’t Ever Delay!!

So this past week was obviously AMAZING because of General Conference!! I went in with some questions and had them almost all answered–and then had some other questions answered that I didn’t even know that I had before! There really is just something so amazing about being able to listen to the voices of living…


What do you do when you don’t have a recipe for pancakes and your pan isn’t working? Improvise! The theme for this week seemed to be taking what you have and then finding a way to turn it around. We had planned on making pancakes with our investigator, Wendy, but we encountered some difficulties when…

I Am an English Teacher.

Hello hello!! This past week was quite an adventure because of all of the changes that happened! I picked up my new trainee, Sister Branch, and as it turns out she is from England, so I am keeping up my streak of only training British babies hahaha! She is so amazing already and willing to…